Sunday, September 16, 2012

Feedback from the Opal Family Office and Private Wealth Management Conference

Interesting responses from the attendees of this year's Opal Family Office and Private Wealth Conference in Newport, RI:

- More than half of respondents (55%) expect the investing environment to be choppy, with mostly sideways movement for the next 3-5 years.
- Income is considered very (46%) or somewhat (31%) important to respondents’ investment strategy.
- Three-in-four respondents (75%) consider alternative investments as strategic (defined as 10% or more) of their portfolio, while half (48%) consider them a primary component (30% or more).
- Four-in-five respondents (78%) expect to increase their allocation to alternatives over the next three years.
- Three-in-five (58%) of respondents have used alternatives specifically to generate income.
- Respondents said liquidity (31%), transparency (22%) and track record (22%) are factors that limit investing more in alternatives.
- When asked which alternative investment vehicle structures they would consider, respondents cited hedge funds (35%), structured product (21%), exchange traded funds (15%) and fund of funds (12%).
- Respondents said the following investments exhibit the greatest potential in the next few years; other alternatives (29%) real estate (23%), stocks (16%), venture capital (14%), commodities (12%), bonds (5%) and Treasuries (1%)
- Respondents expect their investing to change as follows; more direct investing (39%), more investing through managers (15%), and more co-investing with other family offices (14%).
- Economic headwinds causing the most worries; the European debt crisis (24%), global economic slowdown (21%), U.S. Presidential election (19%) and U.S. recession (11%).

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